Amazon’s $2.3 BILLION Anti-Union Bribe

Jason Williams

Posted September 12, 2022

Amazon recently lost a court battle to throw out the pro-union vote at its Staten Island warehouse.

But it’s not going out without a fight…

jassy staten island irregular

Current CEO Andy Jassy was recently on stage at the Code Conference in California discussing the “very disturbing irregularities” in the vote of workers at the JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island.

He went on to say that he thinks it’s going to take a “long time to play out,” suggesting that Amazon has many more tricks up its sleeve it can use to fight against unionization.

And considering he outright chuckled at the idea of paying employees a living wage at his warehouses right after signaling how hard he’ll fight the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)…

I think it’s very clear that Amazon is going to try everything it can to avoid accepting the vote.

And it can because, technically, the court case isn’t decided yet. The jury is still out, to turn a phrase.

And Amazon has until September 16 to file its exceptions to the report in which the NLRB recommended all of Amazon’s objections be thrown out.

That’s a very important date. It’s THIS Friday.

And it’s important not because it’s the deadline for Amazon to file its exceptions to the rejection of its objections…

But for an entirely different reason.

It’s important because it falls just three days after Amazon is scheduled to make a MASSIVE payout.

And I find it interesting, to say the least, that Amazon has decided to offer $2.3 BILLION to anyone who wants a share right before it’s supposed to respond to the NLRB about trying to block a union…

It seems suspicious to me. Maybe to you too.

But I can’t PROVE Amazon is trying to bribe the country into siding with it against its employees and the labor unions.

So I can’t say that it’s a bribe.

If It Looks Like a Duck…

But I can’t imagine any other reason for the company to schedule such a massive payment for THREE days before such a monumental deadline.

It’s obviously trying to bribe the American public to support its battle against paying a fair wage to its employees.

But the question is: Will we fall for it? Or will we just take the money and run?

And to be honest, I’m not concerned about the answer…

You see, it doesn’t matter if we fall for the bribe or not.

It’s going to get paid either way, and everyone is eligible to get a piece of it.

And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE.

You don’t have to work at an Amazon warehouse. You don’t have to be a union organizer or on the NLRB yourself.


You don’t have to have an Amazon Prime membership or even shop on Amazon at all.

You don’t even have to own a single fraction of a share of Amazon’s stock!

All you have to do is let them know you want a share of the payout and you’ll get a share of the payout.

So if you’re pro-union, you can take the money and tell Jeff Bezos and his errand boy, Andy Jassy, to go suck an egg.

And if you agree with Amazon, you can take the money and tell the union reps how you really feel about them.

It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that your name is on the distribution list before September 13.

But that’s TOMORROW…

So there’s literally ZERO time to waste!

If you want a piece of this massive payout, whether you’re pro-union or pro-Amazon, you MUST get your name on the list by the close of business TOMORROW!

If you’re a single second late, the payment will go out and you will get nothing.

If you’re on time, you’ll get to split $2.3 BILLION with the other people who’ve found out about this sneaky attempt to crush resistance.

I want you to get a piece of the payout no matter how you feel about unions, Amazon, or Jeff Bezos.

Sign up TODAY, Get Paid TOMORROW!

So I’ve created a presentation detailing the opportunity and explaining exactly how you can get a piece of the profits.

All you need to do is watch, learn, and act.

Then you’ll get part of the payout Amazon is sending tomorrow.

And you can do whatever you want with the money — be it supporting unions or buying something nice on Amazon.

It’ll be yours to spend as you please.

I really hope you take advantage of this opportunity and take a piece of Amazon’s $2.3 BILLION bribe.

Just make sure you act now so you don’t miss out.

To your wealth,


Jason Williams

follow basic @TheReal_JayDubs

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After graduating Cum Laude in finance and economics, Jason designed and analyzed complex projects for the U.S. Army. He made the jump to the private sector as an investment banking analyst at Morgan Stanley, where he eventually led his own team responsible for billions of dollars in daily trading. Jason left Wall Street to found his own investment office and now shares the strategies he used and the network he built with you. Jason is the founder of Main Street Ventures, a pre-IPO investment newsletter; the founder of Future Giants, a nano cap investing service; and authors The Wealth Advisory income stock newsletter. He is also the managing editor of Wealth Daily. To learn more about Jason, click here.

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